
One of our primary missions is to help build new economic models that work for all people. The crypto technology that we have today is far from the technology we are looking for, but it is a start in the process of decentralizing and empowering individual people to be in charge of their own money and value.

Our model of tokens is to use them as a temporary bridge to the future technology that we are helping to build. So our tokens are more like a back end value containers that will eventually fit into the new technology based on root value that we are building. You can link here to learn more about our Multi-Token Value Capture Technology.

We have two different types of tokens, the first are equity tokens and those start with close to zero value and slowly and steadily building up value overtime. This is NOT a quick gimmicky meme tokens, but actual long term value tokens that are intended to be part of bigger technology structure that does not exist yet. Therefore we have a lot of tokens and they typically have low liquidity so you can only buy limited amounts at a time without significantly effecting the value. So for equity tokens is best to get lots of different tokens to diversify to get a better bang for your buck.

The other type of token is a investment token which has crypto backing built into it like bitcoin, ethereum, and other crypto tokens. These tokens have larger liquidity and represent the value of the crypto that they contain. So for these tokens it is advised to get them understanding that they don’t directly support projects, but do indirectly build value for our entire network.

We will list the token and the amount of liquidity so you can tell which tokens meet your needs basted on the amount of money that you are interested in swapping.

We will do our best to list the most important tokens with the largest liquidity that we have for various projects here, and then you can match which chains and swaps work best for you. We currently do NOT have any tokens available on Ethereum chain as it is simply too expensive to swap and set up, but one day we hope to.

Project Equity Tokens:

ChainProjectSymbolLink to SwapLiquidityToken Purpose
BASESFCMUKNUniswap$150Current Era Umbrella TokenMore info
BASESFCPB64PancakeSwap$600Current Era Old Work TokenMore Info
POLFQNT2MLQuickSwap$150Current Era Work TokenMore Info
BSCFQNA9A9PancakeSwap$2,700Prevous Era Work TokenMore Info
BSCFQNJJS2PancakeSwap$11,500Previous Era Bonus TokenMore Info

Investment Tokens:

ChainProjectSymbolLink to SwapLiquidityToken Purpose
BSCDIVERGEGXR-DPancakeSwap$12,300Crypto InvestmentMore Info
POLDIVERGETEA-DQuickSwap$13,100Crypto InvestmentMore Info
AVAXDIVERGE3QX-DTraderJoe$4,000Crypto InvestmentMore Info
CRONOSDIVERGET52-DCronoSwap$3,800Crypto Investment