Invest in the future of Humanity

Your ready to invest in the future of humanity. How you would like to invest is only limited based on our creativity. You can invest in the overall vision, or you could invest in a specific project or even create a investment fund for a new project.

All investments come with equity, Community Equity, and of course tokens. All of our assets for those investing in the future of humanity are by definition social assets. They are very risky, riskier than normal for-profit investments. Instead we do social-profit investments. Our model is that these social assets are intended to go up in value if and when we are successful with the social endeavor. So the expected ROI is based on the success of the project, and for some social endeavors the solution itself isn’t even known, let alone guaranteed success.

Therefore with social assets there is no guaranteed ROI, and some projects could technically take generations, and so social assets can be transfered through generations to kids and future organizations. Therefore social assets should not be seen as a get rich quick scheme or a guaranteed ROI. You can learn more about social assets at this link. They can be fun though, and we believe that all portfolios should have a certain percentage of social assets in the range of 5%-25%. Even though social assets do not have guaranteed long term ROI value, they certainly can have value and can be bought and sold just like any other asset.

The simplest investment contract would be just becoming a general owner based on your contribution and then getting tokens and equity in exchange. In this model 100% of your contribution is at risk. You can simply just communicate with us, and send the funds based on our donation options available. Even though you are sending the funds to the same place as the donations, we know you are intending the value to be an investment, so it will automatically get issued tokens and equity, and voting rights. Everyone who donates also gets the option to get tokens etc.. as well automatically.

If you want to do something a little more substancial you would be setting up a long term investment agreement, where you make your contribution, but we are only allowed to used a certain amount per month for our budget. In this way you are ONLY putting at risk the amount allowed to be spent each month. For example if you invest $10,000 and you say that we can use up to $1,000 per month. After 1 month only 10% of your investment would be at risk, and after 5 months only 50% of your investment would be at risk. This gives you time to re-consider before it is too late. We want to make it as easy as possible for people to invest in the future of humanity with as little risk as possible. If you choose this option then just fill out this form to tell us how you want to structure your investment.

Once you fill out the Investment Intake Form we will use that information to draft your investment agreement based on your interests, and then we can review and edit it back and forth until there is agreement and clarity on the terms and expectations for how the funds will be used.

From there only creativity holds us back. You can invest in one or multiple projects, with varying degrees, and as said before, you can even invest in entire community project areas that have not even been started yet. For example you could set up an investment funds that requires conflicting parties to work together. The funds would only be available to those who are willing to figure out ways to work together. We are here to help set up coalitions and movements, regardless if they exist. As we said only creativity holds us back.