There are endless ways to help out in an unofficial capacity. You an edit, review, give advice, document, or even just make a suggestion, proposal, or idea. By engaging with us as a participant you automatically agree to all of our Terms of Involvement regardless if you have read or signed it.
The best way to interact unofficial is any method of social communications. Just send us a public message or email and we can respond. Here are some links to communication options.
You can even get involved in our Fundraising campaign and help fundraise money without joining our official team. Click on this button for more information on how to help fundraise.
We also have events and sessions that we invite the public to. These include our LIFE Support Sessions, Organization Support Sessions, as well as our Planetary Sessions.
Not only can you attend sessions but you can also vote on all our decisions asynchronously with our voting forms. In this way you can actually be involved in the future trajectory of the organization without having to be directly involved in the day to day activities and long discussions to build consensus.
The best way to keep in the loop on our upcoming events and decision making is to simply get updates from our social media options.
Anyone who contributes any advice, engagement, or helps out in any way can document your time and get tokens and equity value within our COOP.