- Intro
- Goals
- Legal Foundation
- Glossary
- Proposal Summary
By definition a protest is a response to someone else’s action, an a request for someone else who has power, to implement change. It is a media process to bring attention to the issue that THE PEOPLE are upset about. The problem is that if all you are is against the actions of others, then you are energizing and brining media to the groups, government, or companies that you are against. This energizes and supports the status quo as the message is anti someone else’s actions, and therefore this energizes and brings attention to the actions and actors themselves. This proposal is all about empowering and building and co-creating a new infrastructure for THE PEOPLE to have THE POWER, so we bring energy to ourselves and bring the focus to ourselves as THE PEOPLE, not focusing only on the bad actors.
Protests are essential, but what if instead of only protesting against actions by bad actors, we also supported creating our own infrastructures and advertise empowering ourselves as part of our protesting. Instead of just protesting, why not also build THE PEOPLES conventions and empower all THE PEOPLE to come together and start making decisions together. By building new models of democracy where THE PEOPLE have THE POWER, we can re-think the entire process of democracy and create space for everyone including those who want to protest, and those who want to take power into our own hands and start changing the system itself.
When talking about THE POWER of THE PEOPLE, we do not take that lightly, and this proposal is a very detailed thought out model to implement a new power strutcure that can easily be initiated with small groups of people and then grow and scale quickly. It has to explain and clearly convince poeple it is not only possible, but that we THE PEOPLE do have THE POWER already. There is a lot of vocabulry and sub components to this plan, that can be there own models and proposals in of themselves, but this proposal is a fully thought out model to immediatly implment for anyone interested in doing more than just a PROTEST. Lets start with listing our goals and outcomes for this idea and proposal.
Once this model is implemented, we will have a decentralized scientific metric democratic conventions model for THE PEOPLE to make decisions and to have THE POWER ourselves in alignment with protests at every level. The process will not be pretty, democracy cand ensuring every view point has a voice means that we will hear all perspectives from oneness and peace, to hate and war. But though democracy and hearing all and empowering all peoples, all communities and all voices, we can build majority rule which is the only way we can ensure our rights as minorities and individuals are protected.
- Our model focuses on people believing that THE PEOPLE have THE POWER. To build a structure that normal everyday people can recognize as powerful and legitimate. Without recognition, there is no POWER.
- The model must be simple (or simplex)) and easy to enter into for individuals, yet flexible and holographic to be able to address the core issues facing humanity at every level.
- The model must be empowering for majorities but also must protect and empower minorities, even if that means that some peoples votes are worth more than others.
- The model must be able to be decentralized and therefore publicly verifiable and immutable in a way that THE PEOPLE know who our representative are, and who is empowered at what levels to make which decisions, while also allowing for continuous checks and balances between THE PEOPLE and the peoples representatives.
- The model must be able to achieve the goal of finding and identifying community leaders to build consensus on who local, regional, state, national, and international representation should look like in a bottom up way. NO more top down candidates.
- The model must simultaneously not rely on representative sand candidates and allow for THE POWER of THE PEOPLE to speak for themselves and to be a check and balance on representative power. The representatives ONLY have Power when THE PEOPLE are in agreement with the representatives decision making.
- The model must be able to function and address issues in real-time, no lag of 2-4 years before issues can be addressed. That means that in emergencies or major issues, this model can implement changes within days and weeks, instead of taking years for elections. With 21st century technology, 24 hour news cycles, and social media non-stop phycological bombardment, THE PEOPLE do not have the luxury of waiting years before issues are addressed.
- The model must balance protesting, with decision making of THE PEOPLE, and ensure that all view points and minorities have a voice and are represented in a way that is not only based on location, access, and money.
- Ensure that ONLY majority rule is possible and that minorities can NOT take over the model and pressure others into subservience. ONLY scientifically verifiable Majority rule democracy is allowed with the goal of super majorities and even striving towards consensus.
- This model must ensure that individuals at the local level can be appointed representatives and have all expenses of travel and costs to attend conventions to represent their local communities. Communities must be represented regardless of cost to the indivual.
- The model must be engaging, interactive, and comprehensive to be able to evolve and improve its goals and functionality overtime. THE PEOPLE must control the evolution of the model itself.
- This is just the begining of the goals, but is a good start to understand the scope and objective of what our intention is for this model.
Legal Foundation
Before jumping into the glossary and all the components and details of this proposal, lets get the biggest fundamental elephant and issue out of the way. Why would anyone care about THE PEOPLE coming together and declaring THE POWER for themselves? What is the legal framework that would allow this model to actually work, and be legal in any way? Couldn’t we just be ignored?
Yes, we expect to be ignored. The powers that be, would never want to give up there own power, and give even some of THE POWER back to THE PEOPLE. So at first those in power will ignore us. But there are three reasons why that will be short lived.
1 First:
Though scientific score voting and majority rule using demographic voting, we are building models and processes that are superior to simple monetary based popularity electoral politics that work with first past the post.
Therefore once we build our conventions, we will be able to identify leaders and candidates that we can run that already have the support from super majorities, and build fundraising models that can easily surpass the major parties as we will have support from the majorities of all people, not just a minority party. Therefore our candidates can easily win elections and take over the existing power structures, but that will take time, many years.
This is only a slow and temporary representation of our power structures and only builds legitimacy to THE POWER of THE PEOPLE. Over the long term, our model is all about a check an balance on representative power, NOT to control our representatives. We should not expect that the majority power of THE PEOPLE’s conventions will sustain control of elected representatives, it is not supposed to, it is a temporary process to ensure that our representatives have a check and balance on the immediate crisis THE PEOPLE are facing now. So although this is not a long term solution, it will have an immediate effect.
2. Second:
The Courts will support THE POWER of THE PEOPLE and the local, regional, state, and national conventions that we will convene.
The constitutions, charters, and bills of rights, across the world support THE POWER of THE PEOPLE. In the United States the Constitution clearly states in multiple places that the states and THE PEOPLE retain powers that the government can NOT infringe.
Article V: Amendments to the constitution can be made by the legislature “or by Conventions” of THE PEOPLE.
Article VII: “The Ratification of the Conventions” was essential for the legitimacy of the Constitution itself, as THE PEOPLE had the right to enact their own laws by convention, and in fact the United States constitution itself was created through convention, therefore the constitution itself would be legitimate if conventions of THE PEOPLE were not the law of the land.
Amendment IX: “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.”
Amendment X: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”
In other words all powers not granted to the government are held by THE PEOPLE, including the power to check and balance our Representatives and the government itself.
This model an proposal is not proposing calling a “constitution convention” at all. In fact in our model, if someone tries to call a constitutional convention, and brings a group together to change the constitution, that process would be illegitimate and not represent THE PEOPLE nor have any power to change the constitution.
What we are saying is that we don’t want or need to change the constitution at this time because THE PEOPLE are already empowered within the Constitution to do everything that we want to do. All other democratic constitutions around the world are the same. THE PEOPLE have THE POWER.
What we are proposing is to give THE POWER back to THE PEOPLE in the form of legitimate establish conventions, and what this power will do has NOTHING to do with changing the constitution. ONLY a majority of THE PEOPLE coming together can decide what THE PEOPLE decide to do. We feel there are 100 issues more pressing than changing the constitution itself, like ensuring that our elected representatives are immediately held in check and immediately align with the needs of the majority of people. Period. Form there we can address other issues, but ONLY the issues of what THE PEOPLE decide to address by consensus and majority rule.
3. Third:
The most important law of all lands everywhere in the entire world, is recognition law. Recognition law build sovereignty around that which is recognized as legitimate, period. This is how bitcoin now is the most valuable asset in the world, this is how technology companies have taken over our society, this is how every country has come to existence to begin with. Recognition is how we will legitimize THE POWER of THE PEOPLE. We do not ask for power, we take THE POWER that is already ours, by building a model that is simply better than anything that has existed before. By having a better model, we can by definition be recognized as legitimate. This is NOT about being louder, or stronger, or have better propaganda, it is just about evolution of democracy itself.
There are many reasons why democracy must evolve and why now is the time for decentrilized democracy to come up in the 21st Century. Never before did we have the technology to build direct checks and Balanced of THE POWER of THE PEOPLE. Never before have THE PEOPLE had to deal with the 24 hour non-stop on-slught of phycological manipulation by the corporations, AI, social media, and other media companies and technology. This is unprecedented times and our democracies must step up to the time and address the evolution of society with the evolution of democracy itself.
By building THE PEOPLES decentralized conventions, bottom up, middle out, top down and every other possible way to organize, only creativity and imagination can hold us back. We can not control what THE PEOPLE will use THE POWER for, but we an ensure through scientific verification that the consensus, and will of the super majority is carried out.
These spaces will not build decisions based on our own personal views, they will build agreements of the majority and ensure that all views including minorities are herd even if not acted upon.
This model is a combination of lots of different component parts and sub-models that has been worked on over decades. Each component fits together as a foundation to build a model that can truly bring THE POWER to THE PEOPLE. It is not necessary to understand each of these in detail, but it is good to understand how many different components go into this model. Technically our model is modular, so each component can be broken out, and prioritized and changed to improve the entire model.
- Majority Rule – represents a scientifically verifiable majority of the population, as opposed to minority
- Protests – Signs, marching, and chanting slogans to spring public media to a issue.
- Conventions – a group of people organizing themselves, coming together to make decisions on behalf of their population.
- THE PEOPLE – All people who reside or exist within a region.
- THE POWER – The powers that be represent those who have oversight and control over decisions that effect THE PEOPLE.
- Decentralized – Means that there is a replication of control and oversight of groups making there own verified decisions, and then linking through centralized information centers to act in unison.
- Decision Making – a verifiable decision using some form of voting or consensus where ideas are presented, and votes are taken and certified so that we can know that there is a change before and after to prove a decision was actually made. Decisions can be made organically, but that would not be “decision making”.
- Consensus – Verifying that there is no one in a group is blocking a decision. If no one is blocking, then some decisions can move forward even if some people do not agree. Consensus ensure every voice is herd, even if agreement is not achieved.
- Super Majority – Anything above 2/3rd 66% vote
- Majority – Anything above 50% vote
- Plurality – Anything less than 49.999% vote
- Scientific Democracy – A verifiable model of decision making that involves using the most verifiable models of voting including score voting and prioritization, and reducing duality problems of polarization
- Score Voting – Voting using a score from 0-10 or sometimes 5 stars. Also used in olympic voting. This scientifically creates a ranking where each option is scored within itself not related to any other option.
- Consensus Based Democracy – Allows for majority rule, but ensure that every voice and point of view is herd and included in dissents before allowing any decision to move forward.
- Representative Democracy – Normal democratic models that are proliferated by big money special interests and popularity contests, but only can appoint a maximum of about 1% of the population.
- Direct Democracy – Is used regularly with state propositions, and also with some groups for online voting. It can lead to Mob-Rule, which is problematic, but also can empower 90%+ of the population.
- Participatory Democracy – Is the most interactive, and allows the process of building consensus from normal citizens.
- Democratic Trilogy – Is a balance of the 3 primary forms of Representative, Direct, and Participatory democracy. This means that to have the highest level power, a decision must be approved with all three forms of democracy.
- Sortition – Randomly chooses a group of citizens to come together to make a proposal or decide on an existing proposal(s). It is kind of like jury duty, except as a random decision makers instead of a court case.
- Multocracy – This is the term we use for the outcome of decentralized democracy that any form of democratic decision making can work in parallel. The multocracy is the list of all possible forms of democracy that could exist.
- Demographic Democracy – scientifically evaluates decisions to ensure that all view points are herd based on actual verifiable population demographics.
- Metric Democracy – uses 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000 etc… as a scientific standard for representation and decision making. This creates a series of numicral levels of representation of local communities.
- Physical Location Representative Democracy – Uses leevls of physical location to connect groups, starting with Neighboors, Neighborhoods, City Halls, Counties, State Capitals, National Capitals etc… each representing a level of Physical location representation.
- Metric Physical Representative Calendar – The combination of physical and metric level Democracy works out to exactly a 3 month cycle of 12 weeks to ensure every level of representation is achieved.
- Representation of People – This is when you represent the needs of actual physical people and the needs of individuals and there familes.
- Representation of Organizations – This is when you represent organizations, corporations, and business needs. Overtime with technology and AI and others, the needs of corporations are diverging and sometimes oposite the needs of people. Therefore decentralized democracy can allow for separating representatives that represent corporations from representatives that represent the needs of THE PEOPLE.
Getting Started & On-Boarding
To make this as clear as possible, we will put our presentation of this Model in the perspective of an individual getting involved, and what you would experience.
You would be asked to participate with our new “Decentralized Scientific Metric Democratic Conventions” Model or the DSMDC Model. If you choose to do so, the first thing you would do after signing up, is see a calendar.
The entire process takes 3 months to go from the individual level, to the global level. therefore every week there is a different level of activity that you could get involved. for example if this Saturday afternoon we are converging at the National Level, the goal is to protest and hold a national convention in the national capital. You could still meet locally, but everyone would be focused on national issues and supporting those who attend the national capital. Then the next two weeks after that would be global. But then 3 weeks after we go back to the local level again start back at the individual.
Representative Protest Calendar
Every week we unite and protest, but on a different level, and we do much more than just protest. We unite THE PEOPLE to wield THE POWER though THE PEOPLES Conventions. We will build the future of decentralized democracy for ensuring the rights and needs of ALL people. We build the world we want to see, and advertise the new power at our protest for more people to join.
The calendar is a draft proposal, and THE PEOPLE will control the calendar. In this proposal we are proposing that it aligns with the Lunar Solar Calendar and the closest Saturday to the moon cycles. Each location will be different for the names of the levels, but the metric blocks of 10, 100, etc.. will be the same everywhere. Wether it is a Neighborhood, or the size of a entire city is just dependent on each location and how large the population is. So this is just examples for a medium sized city.
1 – Week 1: Individual Declaration of Rights – [Sat 29 March 2025]
10 – Week 2: Neighbors – [Sat 5 April 2025]
100 – Week 3: Block / Street – [Sat 12 April 2025]
1,000 – Week 4: Neighborhood – [Sat 19 April 2025]
10,000 – Week 5: City Area / City Hall – [Sat 26 April 2025]
100,000 – Week 6: City / County Area – [Sat 3 May 2025]
1,000,000 – Week 7: County / State Region – [Sat 10 May 2025]
10,000,000 – Week 8: State Region / State – [Sat 17 May 2025]
100,000,000 – Week 9: Country / Country Region – [Sat 24 May 2025]
1,000,000,000 – Week 10: Quadrant / Continent – [Sat 31 May 2025]
Off Week – [Sat 7 Jun 2025] – From difference of Greg and Lunar Calendar
10,000,000,000 – Week 11: Global / The Entire World – [Sat 14 Jun 2025]
1 – Week 1: Individual Declaration of Rights – [Sat 28 June 2025]
If we did get agreement to use the Lunar Solar Calendar model, then every 2.5 years there would be a extra month to also go down the levels backwards as well.
Week 1: Individual Empowerment & Rights
On your individual Saturday your assignment is to review all possible rights available to individuals and/or organization and to list all the rights which you personally want to protect and keep, and to not include any rights that you do not want for yourself or others in your community. You can do this on a simple form that will automatically create a individual rights declaration that you can download on your device. Or you can write your own declaration from scratch.
Then once you have your list of rights that you want to protect for yourself, your family and your community, you can then choose to print that our and hold it on your own person in your wallet, or have it on your devices. You can also choose to connect privately to a network of peers, to protect each others rights. For some who are willing to be public you can publicly post and publish your list of rights on your profiles or as metadata, that you declare for yourself every 3 months. That is up to each person to decide if they want to go public or keep their list of rights private. Whether you choose to publicly or privately link your rights to the network of your peers, we will scan all rights everywhere and build an anonomos list of which rights have majority support, and which rights are reserved by minorities.
These individual rights are the foundation of the entire model to decently protect rights for all people everywhere. Those rights which are not protected can not be guaranteed by the majority, and rights that only minorities protect are only protected for those who declare those rights for themselves and there families and communities. Therefore it is very important NOT to ask or refuse rights you do not want to impose on yourself or your communities as they effect yourself and everyone else.
So the first week we build the foundational list of rights that we all share, and these rights that are reserved for minority groups and can not be infringed upon based on the individual consent doctrine. Now we are ready to come together as families and communities.
Week 2: Forming Small Groups
Each individual will then form small groups of family, friends, colleagues, or community members. You can have more than one group, and it could be difficult to form certain groups of people in your life and easy to form an other group of people in your life. Every persons situation will be different. Because we are decentralized, no one is stuck with just one option to form a group. So this can either be based on where you live, where you work, online communications, or a club, church, or community you are a part of.
Locally it could be your literal neighbors in the houses right next to you. But you can also connect with colleagues where you work. Some may choose to connect though friends or community members in a club, church, or other activity they do. Of course anyone can build a group online from people anywhere. Some groups will be formed based on sortition which is random assignment. Only creativity and imagination hold us back to how we build our groups of indivuals.
Sending Your Group Representative
The most important thing for each group to do, is to choose at least one representative to send to the next level. Your group will have to categorize itself based on the level that it exists at. For example, if it is your literal family, household and/or neighbors, you would send your representative to the Neighborhood Convention at the local park, church, or cafe the next week. If your group meets with people all around your city, you could send your representative to the City Hall Convention in 2 or 3 weeks. If your group is a national group, you could send your representative directly to the National Convention in a month or so. If your group is multi-national, it could be connected to a Quadrant like the Americas, or even directly to the Global Level.
Our model is decentralized and holographic so each group is fully empowered to connect to whatever level they want to, and if you are not sure or are between levels or locations you can even send a separate representative to separate groups to ensure your view point is herd. For example if your group is on the border and has people that border two different cities, you could send a separate representative to both City Hall Conventions at the same time one for each City. Again only creativity and imagination hold us back to how we form and connect our groups together. It will form a holographic lattice of connections that maximize empowerment an community voices.
Scientific Metric Democracy
We use Scientific Metric Democracy, so if your group is 10 or less people, then you would send a minimum of 1 representative. If your group is 11-20 people, in our scientific model you would be considered to be 2 small sub-groups and therefore you would send a minimum of 2 representatives to the next level. The next level a small group would connect to would represent up to 100 people. Your small group can be any number from 2-10 people, and if it is more than 10, then you would have multiple sub groups.
With Scientific Metric Democracy we send representatives from our small groups to the next level that represents up to 100 people. These groups will algo send at least 1 representative to the next level. If there is 101 people, then the next level would get a minimum of 2 representatives etc.. That level would then represent 1,000 people and so on and so on until we reach all 10 billion people on the planet.
Scientific Metric Democracy and Consensus Based Democracy is not about having perfect 1 vote 1 person, but instead the foundational goal is to ensure that all voices are herd and empowered. We strive for consensus, so everyone is empowered and everyone is herd, and as necessary we will implement Demographic Democracy, and Direct Democracy to ensure that any decisions always represent the will of all people, not just group representation at conventions.
It doesn’t matter if a representative is representing a group of 30 people or 90 people, our goal is to hear ideas, and make sure that each community is herd and empowered to speak on behalf of there community. Because this is Metric democracy, Communities that are larger, will automatically have more representative voices, and this will ensure a automatic balance between hearing small communities, and ensuring large communities are all treated and empowered at the same and correct level between each other.
Week 3: The Neighborhood Convention
For example, lets go int oweek
The next Metric Level of Democracy would be the Local Neighborhood Conventions which would take place , the 3rd week of each
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